Thursday, January 29, 2009

I lost a player, and gained a tear.

Hey, gang! How's it going?

Things haven't been so good here in Sparta (lol bet you didn't see that one coming) and a lot of people are sad. Another of my people left again and it really upset me. He was our main healer and he was I thought a friend, but when I logged in I saw that he was gone. I asked him why and he said "you don't wanna know" I asked him what he meant and he said:

"it's because you're bad"

Isn't that a rude thing to say? I was mad for a minute and I wasn't. I remembered that he let me die on a lot of fights. I was upset because just the night before he was telling me how much fun eh was having fun with CoH now that it had a cooldown on it. I was glad that he liked it, because it helped us a lot when we were fighting Sartharion! We almost beat him, he is at 50%!

What should I do now do you think? I don't want to replace him because that means he will be gone forever but if I don't then we can't raid anymore and we're just starting to get good at it. I guess old 300 TPS will have to do some soul searching, lol.

Anyone want to join a guild? We have Sarth at 50%, we beat Kel'Thuzzad!, and we have Malygos to phase 2 (his swirly thing is scary lol, i almost die from it!)

I hope everything works out. I don't want to go back to my old guild.

They were bad!

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